MF42 |Helping millions of patients to find clinical trials with AI, with Maya Zlatanova (FindMeCure)

Hello dear Entrepreneur for future!


This newsletter is being upgraded in 3 parts:


  1. Changemakers’ Spotlight
  2. Growth & Linkedin advice
  3. New podcast episode

Changemakers' Spotlight


Weekly I will put a Changemaker in the Spotlight: an early-stage startup or changemaker working on new ideas that have the potential to make a lot of sustainable waves.
​You can also apply to be featured here (or share this newsletter with those who should be featured).


✨ THIS WEEK: πŸ’‘ Our next changemaker is a proof you can be a top sportsman in the world AND an impact entrepreneur!


He became one of the top three wingfoilers in the world at two world cups last year, while at the same time running his company changing the world for the better πŸ„β€β™‚οΈπŸŒŽπŸš€
​Jerome Cloetens grew up surrounded by nature, he was born in Tarifa, a small town in the south of Spain, known as the capital of wind and the place where orcas break boats.
With Palau Project aims to make sustainable practices more accessible.

They just launched two free online tools:
βœ… one for ESRS guidelines
βœ… a tool with a gamified learning experience about climate reports like the IPCC.


Connect with him and find more info in my Linkedin post.

Your Growth & LinkedIn Advice:
how to find your North Star


What is a North Star KPI?

Imagine you're a captain navigating a ship at night, and you need to find your way to a treasure island. Your North Star, shining bright in the sky, guides you there.
In the world of business, your North Star KPI does something similar. It's that one metric that captures the core value your product offers to customers. If it is evolves in the right direction, then it means you are making customers happy and driving growth. This KPI reflects the essence of what success looks like for your product or service. So it is not only revenue-based, but revenue and customer-happiness-based.

Examples from Popular Companies

  • Facebook: For a long time, Facebook's North Star KPI was "Daily Active Users (DAUs)." Why? Because Facebook's core value proposition is about connecting people. The more daily users it has, the more it's fulfilling its promise of building community and bringing the world closer together.
  • Spotify: Spotify focuses on "Time Spent Listening." This metric is perfect for them because it shows how much people enjoy using the platform. The longer you listen, the more value you’re getting from discovering music and podcasts, which is what Spotify is all about.

A North Star KPI must**:

  • be simple and memorable for the entire company
  • represents the full funnel including new, engaged, and churned users
  • does not change often (every few years max)
  • everyone can connect their work to this KPI

How to find your North Star:

  • Answer these key questions:
    1. What is our core value proposition? Start by understanding the primary value your product or service provides to your customers. What problem are you solving for them? This helps ensure your North Star KPI is customer-centric.
    2. What action or outcome best reflects customer value? Think about the customer behaviors that indicate they're getting the most out of your product. Is it how often they use it? How much content they consume? How many features they interact with?
    3. Is it measurable and actionable? Your North Star KPI needs to be something you can track and influence with your decisions. It should guide your strategy and help you make better choices to enhance the customer experience.
    4. Does it align with long-term success? Make sure this metric isn’t just about short-term gains. It should be indicative of sustainable growth and success over time, contributing to the overall health of the business.

Hope it helps.


What is your North Star KPI?


New Podcast Episode


We are back this week with a new episode:

🌍 Using AI to help millions of patients find clinical trials, with Maya Zlatanova (FindMeCure)🌎


If you are into clinical research, life science, pivoting, founder sales or company culture. This episode is for you.


🎧 Listen to the episode on your favourite platform - listen now 🎧




🎬NEW: The episode is now also in video on YouTube 🎬

Watch it here πŸ‘‰ watch episode​

video preview​

If you could do just one thing that would impact the lives of one million people, what would it be?


This question nudged Maya to find a solution to help people.


Millions of patients around the world need treatment, but they do not know if it exists and how can they get it. At the same time new drugs and therapies are available for free in clinical trials.

FindMeCure bridges the gap between patients and clinical trials.


Building any medical or pharmaceutical product is one of the hardest things you can do, because it’s an extremely regulated market. Then add building a marketplace on top of that with a typical chicken and egg problem, and you are facing a very difficult challenge.


But my guest overcame that challenge.


Maya Zlatanova is the CEO and Co-founder of FindMeCure. She is also developing TrialHub, a platform that empowers doctors and researchers with data intelligence to plan over 6000 successful clinical trials.


They have helped two million patients to search for clinical trials and have doubled their team size from 10 at the beginning of the year, to currently 25 FTEs.


Today we are going to talk about πŸ’‘How to pivot, how to get to product market fit and how to deal with clients in the highly regulated clinical trials industry πŸ’‘


You will also learn:

- What’s the difference between recruited and supported patients in clinical trials

- How to do a mom test

- What are the challenges in clinical research and how to navigate the corporate structure

- Maya’s founder-led sales tips

- How to create good team culture


🎧 Don’t miss out on this insightful episode - listen here​

🎬 Or watch it on YouTube - watch the episode here​



Maya Zlatanova LinkedIn​

FindMiCure website​

TrialHub website​


​The Medici Effect by Frans Johansson

Whenever you’re ready, there are 2 ways I can help you:

  1. Growth strategies: with 6 years of experience hyper-growing startups as a CMO, CGO (Chief Growth Officer), and consultant in growth, I can help you exceed your growth objectives with business planning, growth marketing and product-led growth strategies, and building marketing and growth teams (with you or for you, project-based or part-time "CMO/CGO as a service").
  2. Grow your brand through LinkedIn personal branding: I run a bootcamp and I also give private masterclasses to companies' founders and employees to help them use their LinkedIn personal brand to grow as thought-leaders and attract leads, talents, and partners.

Feel free to book a call with me if you think I can help you.

Have a wonderful week,




Hey, I'm Gilles. Welcome to the Mission First & GT Impact newsletter 🌍

My newsletter is a summary of 🌍 entrepreneurship Do's and Dont's from my podcast guests, who are all successful entrepreneurs changing the world for the better πŸš€ advice to grow your company quicker with better ROI thanks to growth marketing and Linkedin strategies Sign up too if you also want to make a bigger positive difference on this world!

Read more from Hey, I'm Gilles. Welcome to the Mission First & GT Impact newsletter 🌍

Hello dear Entrepreneurs for future! This newsletter is being upgraded in 3 parts: Changemakers’ Spotlight Growth & Linkedin advice New podcast episode Changemakers' Spotlight Weekly I will put a Changemaker in the Spotlight: an early-stage startup or changemaker working on new ideas that have the potential to make a lot of sustainable waves. You can also apply to be featured here (or share this newsletter with those who should be featured). ✨ THIS WEEK: Forget about marketing focused on...

Dear Changemakers, I'd like to share a summary of interesting posts for you on Linkedin & on Tiktok. 1) my best Linkedin posts about entrepreneurship, marketing, & sustainability: Click on the images below to read the full posts on Linkedin. On Tuesday next week I will have a big announcement to do about content creation on Linkedin! Stay tuned! The strategy behind my first viral post My first viral post with 220'000 views: Al Gore video 2nd viral post with 130'000 views 3rd viral post about...

The winter Season 3 is coming: the next guests and learnings you don't want to miss! Hello dear Entrepreneurs changing the world for the better, I am super excited to tell you that the following guests have been confirmed for the 3rd season of Mission First. You are going to learn a lot about: Impact Funding Jacqueline Van Den Ende from Carbon Equity (120M as the world’s first impact investing platform with small ticket access) Marketing: How to build and sell a sustainable brand without...