
Hey, I'm Gilles. Welcome to the Mission First & GT Impact newsletter 🌍

My newsletter is a summary of 🌍 entrepreneurship Do's and Dont's from my podcast guests, who are all successful entrepreneurs changing the world for the better 🚀 advice to grow your company quicker with better ROI thanks to growth marketing and Linkedin strategies Sign up too if you also want to make a bigger positive difference on this world!

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MF42 |Helping millions of patients to find clinical trials with AI, with Maya Zlatanova (FindMeCure)

Hello dear Entrepreneur for future! This newsletter is being upgraded in 3 parts: Changemakers’ Spotlight Growth & Linkedin advice New podcast episode Changemakers' Spotlight Weekly I will put a Changemaker in the Spotlight: an early-stage startup or changemaker working on new ideas that have the potential to make a lot of sustainable waves. You can also apply to be featured here (or share this newsletter with those who should be featured). ✨ THIS WEEK: 💡 Our next changemaker is a proof you...

Hello dear Entrepreneurs for future! This newsletter is being upgraded in 3 parts: Changemakers’ Spotlight Growth & Linkedin advice New podcast episode Changemakers' Spotlight Weekly I will put a Changemaker in the Spotlight: an early-stage startup or changemaker working on new ideas that have the potential to make a lot of sustainable waves. You can also apply to be featured here (or share this newsletter with those who should be featured). ✨ THIS WEEK: Forget about marketing focused on...

Dear Changemakers, I'd like to share a summary of interesting posts for you on Linkedin & on Tiktok. 1) my best Linkedin posts about entrepreneurship, marketing, & sustainability: Click on the images below to read the full posts on Linkedin. On Tuesday next week I will have a big announcement to do about content creation on Linkedin! Stay tuned! The strategy behind my first viral post My first viral post with 220'000 views: Al Gore video 2nd viral post with 130'000 views 3rd viral post about...

The winter Season 3 is coming: the next guests and learnings you don't want to miss! Hello dear Entrepreneurs changing the world for the better, I am super excited to tell you that the following guests have been confirmed for the 3rd season of Mission First. You are going to learn a lot about: Impact Funding Jacqueline Van Den Ende from Carbon Equity (120M as the world’s first impact investing platform with small ticket access) Marketing: How to build and sell a sustainable brand without...

OCEAN & NON-PROFIT: How to build an enterprise with a social and environmental impact, with Wietse Van Der Werf (Sea Ranger Service) Hello dear Entrepreneurs for future, Episode 22 is out: If you are into Ocean, company legal structure, non-profit, or franchising, this episode will probably be very useful for you! Thanks to Asana for supporting this episode. Click here if you want here to learn more about that project management tool or to get your free 30-day premium trial....

Dear Entrepreneurs for the future, First, I'd like to apologize that it is taking me so long to publish the next episodes of Mission First! I have recorded 5 new episodes, all super exciting, but I have been swamped under client work and unable to take the 8h it usually takes me to prepare an episode release (= episode review, audio editing, content creation, social media posts and newsletter preparation). On one hand, that feels really good because I am having a direct impact contributing to...

My interview about growth marketing and Linkedin tips for greentech companies in the Don't Waste Water podcast Hello dear Mission First Entrepreneurs, It drives me nuts when I see companies developing a great product to save the world, but failing at promoting it or growing it properly! A few examples: ⛔️ when I was working in Sales at Researchgate, helping to build a world where scientists can thrive, I witnessed so many companies making the same mistake about trade shows: only going there...

GREENTECH: How to scale an AI satellite tool to make agriculture more sustainable, with Will Wells (Hummingbird) Hello dear Entrepreneurs changing the world for the better, Episode 19 is out, and it is for all those who are into scaling up an AI tech product! Starting and growing a tech company is never easy, especially if you are trying to have a high impact on a global market like the food and agriculture industry. Developing an AI technology is a very fancy and trendy topic, but you can...

SOCIAL NON-PROFIT: How to save local producers and donate premium food to people in need, with Melina Taprantzi (Wise Greece) Hello dear Entrepreneurs changing the world for the better, Episode 18 is out, and it is for all those who want to have a social impact on the world! 😄 Are you dreaming of starting your non-profit organization, but you don't know where to start? Or maybe you started it, but it turns out that growing it and funding it is more complex than you thought! Well, this episode...

SUSTAINABLE FASHION & E-COMMERCE: How to bootstrap a consumer product company, with Kati Ernst (Ooia) Hello dear Entrepreneurs changing the world for the better, Episode 17 is out, and I have learned SOOO much in this interview!!! 😄 Everybody tells you “you should raise funding as a startup!” But is it true? Well, It's not. And actually there are many cases where raising funding is actually a really bad idea and bootstrapping your startup would be much smarter. But how do you bootstrap your...